In the face of a new political assassination of a young Mapuche man by the Chilean military police, incarcerated Mapuche authority makes an appeal

This is not the first time the Chilean Government treats us like criminals. It is already commonplace in the racist language of Mayor Mayol to treat us like something we are not.

Along with Camilo Catrillanca, and many other weychafe[1] from Temukuykuy, we were many times side by side in the weychan[2]. A young man born and raised in the struggle for territory and for the reconstruction of our Mapuche people.

Together with other brothers, we are facing political incarceration as a result of a police set-up meant to incriminate us. Yesterday they killed Kilapan, Alex Lemun, Matias Catrileo, Mendoza Collio, and many others. Today they killed Camilo and tomorrow we do not know how many more will fall. But the struggle continues.

I know Camilo was murdered while working on his reclaimed land. Therefore, this call is to continue recuperating our territory; but above all, it is a call to respond to this aggression accordingly.

A brother who fought so hard for his land can never die. Camilo will remain alive forever in our spirits, our minds, and our hearts. But above all, in our land that we, as Mapuche people, love so much.

The best way to remember him must be with Weychan.

I call on my brothers and sisters from every territorial space of Wallmapu to engage in actions of resistance and justice, for Camilo and for the dignity of our people.

The Chilean Government is and will be the only responsible for this murder and its consequences.

Logko Alberto Curamil Millanao
Mapuche Political Prisoner
Temuco Prison

English Translation: Jose Arias Bustamante, Ph.D. Candidate, University of British Columbia

Translators’ note:

This translation is in response to another translation of the same original source, entitled Call to Action from Mapuche Political Prisoner Alberto Curamil Millanao by Paxton Orglot. Paxton Orglot’s translation failed to properly acknowledge the original source and misinterpreted the concept Weychan, translating it as “war”. In Mapudungun (Mapuche language), and according to Melin et al (2018), Weychan should be understood “as an act of resistance and defense beyond the physically tangible” and not as violent process as the word “war” implies.

Cited work

Melin Pehuen, M., Coliqueo Collipal, P., Curihuinca Neira, E., & Royo Letelier, M. (2016). AZMAPU: Una aproximación al sistema normativo Mapuche desde el rakizuam y el derecho propio. (F. Berrios, Ed.) (Primera ed).

[1] Weychafe is a fighter, mainly spiritual, who defends customary rights and land. Weychafe is the one that invokes the spirits of the ancestors to strengthen his own spirit.
[2] Weychan should be interpreted as an act of spiritual and cultural struggle, strengthening, resistance, and unification.